The Paradise Hills / Summer Hill neighborhood has a population density of 1,100 people per square mile. That is about the same as the average population density of the city of Grand Junction. The Paradise Hills / Summer Hill neighborhood covers an area of approximately 7.8 square miles. The average property size is 1.5 acres, which is very similar to the city of Grand Junction as a whole. There are 994 parcels in the neighborhood. The median age of properties in the neighborhood is 33 years old. The average cost per square foot of Paradise Hills / Summer Hill real estate is $102. The total amount of land in Paradise Hills / Summer Hill is 2,081 acres.
This neighborhood is a great place to raise a family because of its peaceful, quiet, safe, and beautiful surroundings. There are plenty of open spaces for kids to play and run around freely. Families will find it fun to spend time with their children in the neighborhood parks and playgrounds. In addition to the nice surroundings and great school district, this neighborhood has a lot of green space. There are many places for the kids to play safely and have fun. Parents will love to visit the neighborhood parks and community centers for activities such as ball games, swimming pools, tennis courts, basketball courts, and pickleball courts. The neighborhood also has a library, a movie theater, and a recreation center.
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Paradise Hills / Summer Hill is located in Grand Junction, Colorado. The Paradise Hills / Summer Hill neighborhood has a population density of about 30 people per square mile. This is a lower-than-average density for a neighborhood in the city of Grand Junction. Paradise Hills / Summer Hill real estate has primarily one to three-story homes. Most of these homes are owner-occupied. There is a mix of houses with single-story or two-story garages and those with attached garages. The neighborhood has a very low crime rate. Most of the crime is property crimes, such as burglary, vehicle theft, and auto theft. For a variety of reasons, there is very little violent crime. There are a few vacant properties in the Paradise Hills / Summer Hill neighborhood.
Paradise Hills / Summer Hill is a community located in the city of Grand Junction, Colorado. The main road into the neighborhood is Springdale Boulevard. Paradise Hills / Summer Hill is bordered by Glenwood, Summer Hills, and Paradise Hills. The neighborhood is surrounded by several subdivisions. It is located on the western side of Grand Junction. In addition to Paradise Hills / Summer Hill, there are some other small neighborhoods nearby. They include Greenfield Village, Blue Creek, The Summit, and Heritage Park. Most of these communities are very close to the Grand Junction Airport. Paradise Hills / Summer Hill has a very low crime rate. The neighborhood has a low crime rate mainly because there aren’t many places to commit crimes.
Paradise Hills / Summer Hill is a small neighborhood with less than 200 homes. Most of the homes in the neighborhood are owner-occupied. Many of the homes in the neighborhood are older. The houses in the neighborhood are usually smaller than typical homes in the city of Grand Junction. There are many detached garages and attached garages in the neighborhood. Homes in the neighborhood typically have one to three stories. The houses in the neighborhood vary from $50,000 to $200,000. The neighborhood is very safe. There is a high level of respect among the people in the neighborhood. Crime in the neighborhood is very low. Most of the crime in the neighborhood is property crimes like burglary, vehicle theft, and auto theft.
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